The aucthoritie of al iustices of peace - with diuers warrants, presentments, and indictments thereunto annexed. Whereunto is added a verie perfect fourme for kepinge of court leetes, and court barons, newly set foorth by Iohn Kitchin of Graies Inne an apprentice of the lawe, with many booke cases concerninge the same. Also the booke called Noue additiones. The booke for keepinge of court hundredes. And the booke called Returna breuium. With seuerall tables for the ready findinge of any thinge contained in the same

Boke of justices of peas
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by Richard Tottell 1580 England, Imprinted at London in Fleetestrete, within Temple barre, at ye signe of the Hand and Starre 88; 216, 225-256 leaves